Friday, November 30, 2007

Big News! - December 2007

Our newest family member has been discovered!
It's a Girl! --or so I hear from the Dr.
I really can't tell by looking at these pictures that it's even a baby, much less a girl! We are all sooooo excited!

Madison is thrilled it is a girl and told me that when the baby is 8yrs old she will be 16 yrs and be able to take her shopping at the mall and teach her all sorts of things about being a girl.........oh boy what we have to look forward to!

She is due to arrive on or around May 1st. Click on the picture to see a larger view.
Stay tuned for more updates on little baby Schroeder.....


  1. Yeah, Yeah. Cannot wait until she gets here. I assume her name is not going to be Izzy.

  2. Ah!!!! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.

  3. Another Poopy Pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congratulations Guys!!!!!!!!!!

    Love, Aunt Lohan & Uncle Slim

  4. We are so excited --another grandchild , I think that she will be the 11th???
